I’m Megan J. Robinson, and welcome to Creative\\Proofing, a space for hopeful, creative people learning to live wisely by asking questions about the good life: what it is, how to design our own, and how to live it well.
This newsletter is built on the hope of reciprocal generosity: I want to share what I find beautiful and meaningful, and I'd love for you to do the same. If you're inspired by anything I write, it would mean so much if you shared it with others, subscribed, dropped me a line and let me know, or paid according to the value it has for you. No matter what, I hope we can create and learn together.
My family and I all fell like dominos to Omicron a couple of weeks ago. We’re all recovered and not contagious, but Covid fatigue is no joke, y’all. After trying (and failing) the last week and a half to generate words, let alone ideas, for this issue, I give up. Creative\\Proofing will take a short hiatus in July, and resume in August.
In the meantime, enjoy this ever so relaxing train ride through the Scottish Highlands.
Currently Enjoying
Re-reading Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series, and cannot wait for the third book to come out. (Think Hogwarts but only with Slytherin, and no teachers. And everything wants to kill you.)
Started watching the series The Old Man (FX, Hulu) and it is intense. But Jeff Bridges, man.
Can’t stop giggling over this one.